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Need help promoting for My upcoming Short drama film

I have some suggestions:

  • Create a separate site for blogging about the movie. Only keep some of the information on your blog so that if people become interested based on the blog, they may go to your Facebook page and find out more that's not on the blog site.

  • You could create a Kickstarter or Indiegogo campaign to help with funding if you need it for anything in post-production.

  • Create a YouTube channel if you haven't already.

  • Create production diaries in the same way that Peter Jackson does for his films.

  • See if there are any media outlets in your local area that may be interested in helping you promote the film. Even in post-production you could have a media journalist come to see what you're doing with the movie to help promote it.
To follow up on some things Phantom Screenwriter said:

Aside from the Facebook page, register a domain and set up a very simple website, or have the domain point to a blog for the film.

Get a cover photo up on that Facebook page! You are already posting, that is great. Invite every single person in your friend list to like the page.

Create a couple of press releases about making the film. You can send them to local news organizations or send them to filmmaking blogs.

Start setting up your Withoutabox profile for the film if you already haven't. Start making your festival strategy right now. Go through lists online, or research in Withoutabox to come up with the festivals you want to submit to and the dollar amount it will take to submit to all those festivals.

If you are going the festival route, remember to consider the costs. You can easily spend a couple of thousand dollars on even a modest festival strategy.

We did a successful Kickstarter for $3000.00 specifically for our festival costs. We had a nice festival run, and then, when the money ran out, that was it!

Best of luck!
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