Need Advice on some equiptment???

I have recently perchased a Canon hv30.I now know i definatly need to get some kind of focus wheel. Also i would want a wide angle lens. I have 2 options.

Option1: Buy a Focus wheel for my hv30 and Get a Wide angle Lens like Raynox 6600 or the Canon WD-h43 or a lens like that.


Option2: Buy a cheap 35mm Adapter And some lenses.(Im currently watching on ebay a redrock m2 with the rails thats almost over and its at 305)

Im Just starting off in filmmaking and both settups would be around the same price. What do yo think id be better off getting? Ive looked into both and Both ways seem Good. SO I GUESS the main Question is How good is the focus on the HV30 compared to a 35mm adapter? is it worth paying the extra money?