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Need a website for your film? Worked with WB & Sony.

If you're looking for a kick-ass website for your film, need your trailer edited, poster for your project, or just need a domain name - look us up. We specialize in independent films. Our founder has worked with Warner Brothers, Sony Pictures Classics, Comcast and is a filmmaker himself.

I wont bore you with details, check out our site(s) here:

wow those are some impressive sites, i hate creating flash sites because its so hard, but you guys have no problem :)
Flash requires a lot of talent to make it work as well as it does on those sites.

I fell victim to the "if I buy it, I can make incredible sites too" mentality. Turns out you really need more artistic ability than drawing stick-men to make something good.

Hats off to you folks, Neo-Pangea ("Reunite Pangean"... was a favorite rallying cry in my days as a geology student)
Can I just say wow! I love your site. I especially love how most of your information moves horizontally instead of vertically. I actually sat there and ran my mouse up and down your links to watch the mouse over. My hat's off to you guys.
