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Need a song or two for your next film project?

Hello filmmakers!

I'm an independent musician who's recently released an instrumental album called "Juice." The name of my project (or band, if you will) is The Background, as my music is meant for just that: the background. And since most films contain some form of music, I'm offering up mine as way to help out fellow indie folks out there.

Most of my music has a modern feel to it, yet also fuses many styles (rock, funk, jazz, experimental). This allows me to create a more dynamic "story" for each song and would also allow a film producer to use all or parts of the songs within a film.

Please NOTE--and as you'll soon discover--that my music is does not fit into the "film score" category. Rather, it's a collection of songs that can be used for opening and closing credits, between major scenes, or whereever else appropriate.

To hear samples of all songs on "Juice," check out my artist page on CDBaby: http://cdbaby.com/cd/thebackground

To check out the official site for The Background, please visit http://www.the-background.com

If you'd like to incorporate my music into your film project, feel free to e-mail me at BlueDream@cox.net

Thanks--and enjoy the music!

-Chris Vitale
Founder of The Background
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