Sorry guys, I had my tooth pulled and Im gonna try and explain this again. So if you're responding to me now.. Give me another chance. Im heavily medicated on vicodin right now
My question is this. A movie shown on a standard Large screen at a theatre (as Im assuming some film festivals do instead of a large home theatre size projector). Does a standard DV video movie show large lines horizontally?
Like line 1,2 are video then line 3 is black, line 4,5 video, line 6 is black.
Does this make sense? that would be Interlace.. right?
But if you post edit it in progressive it gets rid of that line that causes the film to look as if its pulling apart because it meshes the interlace into one solid screen? I mean obviouslly if its not shot as progressive 720p or 1080p does it really do the same thing in post production vs a camera that doesnt it naturally or is it losing resolution and quality in post?
i hope this makes sense.
I watched a market ad on Sony.com for one of their high end DLA projectors and it explained in detail what interlace vs Progression is. I sort of understood it but I understand it better now
this is why you see those stupid shitty black thin lines on large analog screens or theatre screens when a scene in a movie was shot by a standard VHS machine when they try and make it look like a home movie.
but in the real world does this happen. Im only asking because I have only been to one film festival in my life and it was Mike and Ike animation some 10 years ago. I just dont want to be disapointed in the quality when I enter. Maybe I should go find one first and watch it and see how video looks on a standard theatre screen.
Sorry guys, I had my tooth pulled and Im gonna try and explain this again. So if you're responding to me now.. Give me another chance. Im heavily medicated on vicodin right now
My question is this. A movie shown on a standard Large screen at a theatre (as Im assuming some film festivals do instead of a large home theatre size projector). Does a standard DV video movie show large lines horizontally?
Like line 1,2 are video then line 3 is black, line 4,5 video, line 6 is black.
Does this make sense? that would be Interlace.. right?
But if you post edit it in progressive it gets rid of that line that causes the film to look as if its pulling apart because it meshes the interlace into one solid screen? I mean obviouslly if its not shot as progressive 720p or 1080p does it really do the same thing in post production vs a camera that doesnt it naturally or is it losing resolution and quality in post?
i hope this makes sense.
I watched a market ad on Sony.com for one of their high end DLA projectors and it explained in detail what interlace vs Progression is. I sort of understood it but I understand it better now
this is why you see those stupid shitty black thin lines on large analog screens or theatre screens when a scene in a movie was shot by a standard VHS machine when they try and make it look like a home movie.
but in the real world does this happen. Im only asking because I have only been to one film festival in my life and it was Mike and Ike animation some 10 years ago. I just dont want to be disapointed in the quality when I enter. Maybe I should go find one first and watch it and see how video looks on a standard theatre screen.
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