archived-videos My Tarantino Parody Again - Can Someone See If This Works?

EDIT!!! **** NEW HOST SITE! FTP was much faster and easier, I think it's actually going to work this time :) ****



I'm setting up my new animation site :yes: (to replace to the one on :no: that vanished) and I want to make sure that it works before I re-upload everything. I was wondering if someone who has a high-speed connection could check this out as I spent so much time uploading it on dial-up, I don't have time to download it :rolleyes: . And in the process, you get to see my Quentin Tarantino talk show parody!

Thanks very much,

[URL=]The New Website
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I tried it from the link and from the page, and both worked.
I have it set up that ".wmv" files open in RealPlayer... maybe that's a consideration.

Al Bouchard
That's how I have it set on my computer, too - I wonder if that effected the files...I would have thought a .wmv would have stayed a .wmv .

***EDIT*** I should add that they all still play in Windows Media Player on my computer (by selecting Open With and picking Windows Media Player.)
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Okay so I watched it and had no problems seeing it until a little more than half way through when quentin starts talking about his new project. It starts freezing up and doesn't work. It's okay up to that point. I agree that uploading again would probably solve the problem. I would try to use something faster than dial-up if possible.
Odd again.

I suppose Windows Media would play it if I downloaded the file and ran it with the "Open With" menu selection, but I get it fine with Real Player...
A difference that makes no difference is no difference.
(At least not to me.)

Al Bouchard
--There are no rules in Hollywood
and they are strictly enforced