My Super-Ghetto V.O. "Studio"

I needed to do a bunch of voice over for my new short, and I have basically no funds for new equipment. I already had a Blue Snowball mic (purchased for my last short, which was a disaster but had decent sounding voice overs), so I put a towel under it, a pillow behind it, and prayed the rain held off long enough to get the dozen or so clips I needed recorded. Here's the setup:


I used Audacity to record the clips at 32-bit, 96KHz. According to the waveforms, it looks like I got good, clean sound, and with the high bit-rate and sample rate, hopefully I can remove any noise I might have picked up.

This is all for my no-budget, entirely DIY short ('cause, you know, I'm insane), which so far is coming together nicely. Of course, I have to finish it by the 31st to meet two contest deadlines, which means I'm seeing a lot of late nights over the next few days (the visual edit is done, it's all the audio that needs to be built from scratch using a mix of Foley and stock sound effects).

I've done similar by placing two high-backed chairs together, one backwards to the side of the seat, draped them with a comforter, placed the mic in the seat, and recorded from that.

Also, I've tried it in the walk-in closet, right between two racks of clothes.
That "deadened" the sound a wee much, but ultimately works best.

There was a thread here more than a few months back about portable sound studios.
It led to some interesting set-ups I viewed on a image search.



DIY booth:
I plan to do something similar to the portable studios in the future, but didn't have the materials I needed and don't have time to drive the hour to the nearest store to get them this weekend (I live in the boonies).
Ah, boonies.
Always a wonderful resource for recording crickets, grasshoppers, and cicadas ALL SUMMER LONG!!!!!!


Just think about the poor girl circadas that don't have any alcohol to down out the vision of that ugly thing climbing up on her! :cry:

A girl's gotta do the best she can. ;)