• You are welcome to promote here, but members are also welcome to reply with their opinions.

My nike video.. [featured on venture capital network site]

How are you affiliated with venturecapitalistetwork.com? I find it a bit suspect that you are named after the site you just joined and are using it as a showcase for your youtube video rather than just sending us to youtube or embedding the youtube video on this page.

My first impression is that you are trying to drive more traffic to your venturecapitalistnetwork site. We see a lot of this kind of GollyGee marketing here and find it a bit dishonest, please excuse me if I'm wrong.
I apologize for being a golly gee marketer because that is defiantly part of the deal. I actually know the guy that has made the site and he chose me to be the featured member partially because I know him. So in return of the favor of him featuring me I am show my video to people, just as i would have done before but instead of linking them to youtube I link them to the site. Its not a malicious act, its just simply me trying to promote something that will in return promote you. Sorry if I have crossed the boundary of spamming and showing my video, but I still hope that you will watch the video and let me know what you think of it.
Thank you for your honesty. I'll put your post in the appropriate forum. If you'd like to promote your videos directly, please do so by posting a more direct link to them. What are the benefits to us as filmmakers signing up at your friends' site?

I did watch it, I was waiting for a punchline/payoff to the two guys training. If it was there, I didn't catch it, sorry. The footage was pretty good though. I could have used a bit more density in the darks, and some of the footage came off as a bit not quite white-balanced for me.