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watch My new film, Caché - Canon Eyecon Winner 2013

[NSFW] My new film, Caché - Canon Eyecon Winner 2013

Hey y'all,

Last year I won Canon New Zealand's Eyecon competition. Of course, I see a tonne of problems and there are lots of things I dislike about the film - but I figured I'd post it anyway. I'd love all your feedback (however harsh).

As a side note; it is meant to be quite ambiguous, and if the plot details itself are unclear to you, try not to worry about that. I'm aiming more toward instilling a set of feelings in the audience.

Warning it is NSFW - it's not particularly graphic, but there is a sex scene there.


And my fb page which would appreciate some likes ;)
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I dug it. Well paced and edited. The camerawork was nice, and the editing was fantastic. Although I didn't like it ended... seemed a bit abrupt. But overall, nice job.
Cheers for the feedback, Chimp. Any further feedback on the ending? I wanted it to be quite abrupt and unsatisfying, but maybe I didn't achieve the effect I was after?
Yeah... it's not something I can put my finger on exactly... it just didn't tie up nicely I thought, there was a nice buildup that was happening, and an interesting atmosphere that was being created, but by the end, I was just wasn't as intrigued as I was initially. It didn't carry the unique style that the film began with, it just sort of fizzled out and died.

BTW, might want to add a NSFW warning next time.
Mmkay. That's a fair comment. I think I do tend to struggle with pacing, so maybe there was an issue there?

And yeah, you're right about the NSFW thing, I kinda forgot about that - sorry! (I already had to cut it down and add in that warning at the start because Canon requested it, so in my head this was the "sfw" version :p)
Thanks MP!

That's a common reading I've had. It's not the reading I was going for, but I'm also ok with it, as it kinda gives the same effect. This reading was the most concise and accurate of what was actually scripted "two men with their necks in a noose, living their lives in crippling denial of the "caché" feelings they have for one another" - though whether or not they have feelings for one another is meant to be pretty ambiguous. They can simply be sharing a fragile moment of disillusionment (or something like that). The girl is a random he's f*cking (I feel "making love" isn't really an appropriate turn of phrase) in a public bathroom.

We initially had permission to shoot in a club, which would've made that way clearer, but there was a fire a couple of weeks before we shot, and we couldn't get a new location :p