archived-videos My Little Blooper

Ok, so it's not a film per-say, but when I mentioned my experience while shooting on November 20th to some people in chat, they asked if I would share any footage of it that I may have gotten.

While it's not as much as I wish I could have had, I did the best I could with what was on the tape. I'm intentionally being vague, because if you didn't hear what happened this short may be more enjoyable. Either way, check it out, enjoy and let me know what you think. :D

Oh, and by the way.. in case you're wondering, I'm just peachy -- but I've got a headache. ;)

Oh, right. you need a link:

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That's great! I have fallen down twice with my camera (my big ass 20lb Panasonic DVC Pro) and once I had a 10 lb tripod and a 15lb laptop editor attached to me as well. I never got a head injury from it though, so I guess I should feel lucky.

:D All in all it was fairly amusing.. I broke a filter, but that lens that you see rolling around is fine, as well as the camera (thank god)

The worst thing (other than the bill I haven't received yet) is that until I fell over that is the best looking shot of the entire day of shooting.. steadiness wise anyway. <sigh> Glad you liked it Poke. :)

Wow, main page in less than 10 minutes.. sweet. :D
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Need a dolly, about 60 feet of tracks and a whole bunch of wedges :) But Im guessing you guys didnt get a permit...

In that case next time a mini van or a car will prevent that situation :)

Thanks for sharing, if we didn't have outtakes we'd have no stories to tell!
I'd thought about the car, but it still wouldn't allow quite the right angle. The main problem was that he was running too fast. You live, you learn.

And the stories are great. ;)
That was great Will. Not great that you were injured or wasted time, I hate wasting time, but great that now we can put a face to the name AND that you got it all on film. :D
hehe thanks coot..

I just wish they'd caught the part where the blood was visibly dripping from my head to the ground when I sat up, but alas they were pointing the camera elsewhere.. :(
All I can say is "Ouch".

At least the camera survived unscathed. I've taken a few falls with my camera and have instinctively protected the camera. One time, I was riding a dolly being pulled down a hallway a full speed when it went off course and hit a door frame. The dolly stopped and I didn't. I slid off the door and flipped completely over, but as I did I wrapped my arms around the Arri 16mm BL and craddled it to my body. I find it strange I picked protecting the camera over my wellfair. The camera was fine, but I bruised my posterior in a nasty way.

Folks, be careful out there.

have seen some funny stuff on set a few times.. 14K lights on stands come down and hit my bud jordan in the head Ah thats smarts.. or me in the back of a 2 ton with my G300 Smoker and the props master moves the truck only thing was i was just about to step off the back gate Ah that hurts lol good times, but i did save the smoker