My Heart is Heavy

Today I learned of the death of a little guy I met earlier this year. Rosendo Garcia was nine years old and died of Cancer yesterday at The Children's Hospital of Austin. We covered him off and on over the last few months -- starting with a report about Sammy Doll, a toy to help kids cope with Cancer.

I've written a pseudo-eulogy for him. Even though I barely knew him, I feel like part of me is gone tonight.

RIP and sorry for the feeling, recently a dear friend of mine was shot to death due to her complaining of noise from the neighbor, and he just went bersek and shot her and another fellow artist. My friend, Masumi Hayashi was a well known photographer and she's always love going out and eat...

They have gone to a better place, and we'll always remember the strength they've showed while living among us.
He's in my...

Today I learned of the death of a little guy I met earlier this year. Rosendo Garcia was nine years old and died of Cancer yesterday at The Children's Hospital of Austin. We covered him off and on over the last few months -- starting with a report about Sammy Doll, a toy to help kids cope with Cancer.

I've written a pseudo-eulogy for him. Even though I barely knew him, I feel like part of me is gone tonight.


In my thoughts and prayers.

Losing a child is one of the hardest things a family can deal with -- here's hoping they get lots of support with that process.
Children with terminal illness is one of the things that scares me more than anything. I work at the MN renaissance festival, as many of you may recall. The booth I work for is a charity that contributes to local children's charities. The first year we started doing charities, we made a wish come true through make-a-wish, last year, we gathered monies for the children's hospital and this year we are, coincidentally, gathering money for the MN children's cancer research fund. I've gotten to meet the children I am helping directly and it nearly always brings me to tears. I feel a great sense of pride knowing that I'm doing something to help. I highly recommend that you all get out and donate time to children's causes at some's the most fulfilling thing you will ever do with your time.

My thoughts go out to Rosendo's family.