My first work. British Drama.

To be totally honest,

if this trailer were to play before a movie at a movie theater, I would start throwing my popcorn at the screen. It is pretty long!

I really like the action continuity, though.

The sound was a bit thin and the voice was a bit distorted. What did you use to record the audio with?

Did you run into anything on sound that i can help you answer questions with?
Well it's not like we had professional equipment for this project. We were given an HD camera with no XLR input. No XLR adapter too. So we couldn't record quality audio.

Also... Thanks :) I know. For a trailer it's too long. But I think of it as a music video rather than a trailer. The second version is a lot shorter, but I didn't want to show it because it didn't have a few key moments which I wanted to show.
I just don't get what the point of Media Studies is. It's supposed to be the first stepping stone on the way to filmmaking yet schools/exam boards seem to have no interest in getting people to make films properly. How many of those locations did you get signed releases from? Same goes for all the people who appear in shot. They just give people a camera and no way to record decent audio.

Anyhow- As ROC says the trailer is too long. In fact it plays like a fragmented short film because there's no impetus to it, in trailer terms. The shots are actually excellent for media studies and much better than a lot of the A-Level stuff I've seen, it's just that you've not really edited into a trailer.

For a short film I don't think trailer should ever be longer than a minute (I don't really think you need trailers at all for shorts). I just shot a ten minute short film and if I made a three minute trailer I would have to show a third of all my footage!

Faster cuts, clearer VO, cut the faux-critical quotes and you'll have a decent trailer. Or just focus exclusively on cutting your film together and leave the trailer as it is...
I did A-Level Media Studies and found it to be a terrible waste of time. Film was what I was interested in, but I was stuck in Newspaper Studies. Two years of reading newspapers! I remember at one point, we were given a project to do; we could either design the front cover of a newspaper or make a trailer for a movie. A few of us got together wanting to make a trailer. We went to the teacher with this and were told "No. Go and make your fornt page!"

Anyways... Some of the shots are really nice, I like some the really fast cuts, some interesting work. Agreeing with Nick though, remove the fake reviews, they just looks too cheesy...
Well that's the thing. British education is becoming extremely misleading. Well, I'm not talking about the traditional subjects, they are of very high standard but the new subjects like ICT, Media studies, Communications & Culture studies, Film studies, basically everything that ends with "studies" is absolutely worthless and teaches you absolutely NO skills you would actually need in life or work.

I thought, of course, if I take media studies I'd learn... I don't know... Stuff like auteur theory, camera shots, film history. Well yes, I did learn about camera shots and film history. Two lessons worth of actually useful information -_-

Luckily, being aware of this situation I'm not taking A level Media studies next year. As one person said: "Your interests and academia must be separate."

The reviews ARE cheesy, but examiner-friendly. Well you know, I'm just playing their game.
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