my first indie feature "Eves' New Year"

Hi all!

I'm a newbie to this forum as I am to the Indie Film industry. I recently finished my first indie feature - but struggling immensely with trying to get distribution. Reading this forum for the first time today has given so much info. I submitted to several film fests - but only got declines. Not very promising so far. And submissions to film fests is getting expensive.

I did this feature on a budget of less than $1300 last year, shooting on a Panasonic DVX-100. It is 118 min.
Uses 5 languages (English, Spanish, French, Swiss-German and Tagalog) but fully subtitled in English and in German, shot in 4 countries. It is a fragmented narrative entitled, "Eves' New Year"

Here is the trailer.

I don't know any Sales Agents in my area (New Zealand) but I am very interested in finding out more about how I can approach these people (US or wherever) and get them to watch my film, and get a distribution deal.

Any info will be highly appreciated. I feel like in the dark having worked so much on this feature and not have an outlet for it to be viewed.

Thanks for reading my post.
