My First Film Review

During the editing stage and all of the footage was being put together. Two music composers pointed out the story would work best that way.

They are right. The dialogue has intentional humor from the script. And, the action ended up looking humorous.
I'm not sure how you manage to shoot a film as a serious action sci-fi movie and then discover it's a comedy during editing, but props to you for running with that.

Congrats on the review, it might not be perfect but it's exposure and the reviewer seemed to have a good time :)
Thanks Nick.

I was thinking James Cameron's Aliens when I was writing dialogue on the soldiers talking to each other, which is very comical. Finding a qualified stunt coordinator for very ultra low budget science fiction is not possible from my experience. That's why I'm going with a professor of the craft for IC3.

Saved in post, as they say.