archived-videos My First Feature - The Coat Room

Hey Everybody -

I'm new here and this is my first post.

I've submitted my Feature to quite a few festivals and I still haven't been rejected from any (I haven't been accepted either...)

Anyway, here is a link to my trailer:

It's a movie about a coat room in an art museum during a fictitious Marcel Duchamp exhibition. It was shot on the Panasonic DVX100A.

Let me know what you guys think...
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Saw this on the DVX site.... "I hate my job Claire.... I hate everything actually. Everything, I hate everything."

Too funny!

Good short but the trailer is a bit too long.
thanks coffee.

the consensus seems to be that the trailer is too long...

I'm going to cut it down to about 90 seconds eventually
Yeah shorter would be much much better.

Hey you're not too far from me, maybe 45 minutes. We should collab on a project! Let me know if you're game.
that sounds cool.

what's your area of expertise? Or are you a dilitante like myself...a jack of all trades and a master of none?
My back ground (the last 10 yrs) has mainly been in music production. I've was one of those actors "in training" for a few yrs doing small parts and what not but I've always written screenplays and recently directed my focus on directing.
I'm mid way through a script that's too long for a short, too short for a feat. so I have to decide which way I should go with it.
I just picked up the DVX100A
Picking up an iMac G5 in a weeks time
Speaking with my cousin who is a DP for Nickelodeon in regards to a video shoot that I'm directing in two weeks for a hip hop artist

Other than that I'm learning as much as I can about the DVX as possible....

Hey, what did you edit your project on?
It took me two viewings to find the humor in it. I think off the bat with no lead up, the average viewer will be lost for most of the trailer...thinking, "What is this?" "Why is this so random?"

Don't get me wrong, it's funny (especially, the rambling "I hate everything.." VO); it just was so out of the ordinary, I was unable to get a grasp on it at first.

Perhaps the standard - "In a coat room..." "...of an art museum..." "...during an exhibition..." - text explanation of the general premise during the trailer would help the uninitiated viewer.

thanks for the feedback Poke -

in fact most of the people that watched the trailer comcommented that it was too long or that they wanted to see more "coat room" and less self indulgence...