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watch My films.

Hey guys. I was hoping I could send you the link to my youtube and maybe get some feedback on a few if not all of my videos. Anything helps.


I will say my best videos are probably:

Sam and Twitch - This won 1st place at Phoenix Comic-Con in the Todd McFarlane Challenge.

The Love of Money - We got "Best Ensemble Acting" for this at a 48 hour IFPPHX Challenge.

Jesus Gets a Haircut - This we literally threw together in a matter of hours but it has seemingly gotten a decent response.

Billy is Broke - Just a quick sketch.

Sgt. Brock - Although it starts out terrible this was the experiment that helped us learn and got much better.

Like I said I would love feedback back on everything BUT these are the ones I am most proud of, so if you do decide you would like to help me out these for me are the ones I am most interested about.

Sean Ryan McBride
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I watched THE LOVE OF MONEY and SAM AND TWITCH and I have to be honest I didn't much like the stories. There really wasn't flow in either of them. IMO you guys have a good base to make movies, the drive and the talent, your stories just seemed to be lacking. Your editing and camera work were also a bit off.

I sound like an ass lol. I feel that I'm in the same sort of caliber doing 48 Film festivals and the like so I'm judging yours like I would judge my own. The good thing is you guys have what I think is the most difficult part about doing this...the drive to get better. You guys also seem to have solid actors which is another huge thing. When I say solid I mean they seemed alright, but I think if you had better stories and worked on your editing you guys could make some really great stuff. I hope that helps and no matter what anyone says, do your thing, have fun, and keep getting better. You guys have a GREAT base now just keep climbing the ladder!
I saw the same ones, and I agree with L.I.F.E.

The stories could be pushed a little farther. In "The Love of Money" I felt like I was watching a reenactment of Reservoir Dogs up until the end.

I liked "Sam and Twitch" except I think there were some audio problems. I had a hard time hearing Twitch, I had to raise the volume, but then everybody else's voices and the score were wayy to loud.

Just some key critiques on my part. Still pretty good on the time you spent on them.
L.I.F.E. - Thanks man! I know what you mean. I too feel that "The Love Of Money" is a bit choppy in the editing.

Kenpaffu - I know what you mean about the audio in "Sam and Twitch". There is that one spot where you can't here Twitch very well.

Thanks guys I appreciate it!