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watch My College Project! Video

So for college I had to go out and shoot an advert for a food company, normally I would try and make it funny but i pulled out guylian from a hat and instantly thought romance. This isn't my style at all but I decided on going down the film noir route and with just a old table lamp, a torch and a few candles, i created my video not going to lie it has its faults but I hope you check it out and leave me some comments down here saying what you liked/didnt like, and maybe drop me a comment on my youtube page thanks

If there is any chance you could tell me what I'm doing wrong before I hand it in to be marked by my teacher because I would love your feedback, even if its a bit harsh, gotta learn through failure...
If there is any chance you could tell me what I'm doing wrong before I hand it in to be marked by my teacher because I would love your feedback, even if its a bit harsh, gotta learn through failure...

Are we too late?

You've got some really awkward edits, continuity-wise. I'd point them out specifically, but it's pretty much all of them. On a couple of them, the edit would be just fine, if adjusted by just a frame or two (like when they're going to touch glasses for cheers). A couple of other times, the cut just doesn't work (like when you cut from him putting his coat down, to opening the fridge). Unless you specifically want a jump-cut (which wouldn't really make sense in this instance), the only way to make that cut work is either to see him (his hands) completely leave the frame after he puts down the coat, or to see his hand enter the frame to open the fridge (or both).