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watch My 1rst Short Art Abstract Film as promised


in 2011 I decided to take film classes. 1rst month of my 1st semester i went out a purchased a used Imac and a Used camera with old lenses. I went to school that day and asked a classmate if he would like to help me film some test shots so that i can learn how to used my new tools. After gathering all my test shots with no story, just a bunch of test shots, i started to learn how to use Final Cut Pro and Soundtrack pro. Using just the pure basics of the programs i put together this VERY abstract short. The story is only what you make of it.
Being very new to film making and definitely not having the training on how to use editing programs, i stayed up night over night teaching myself how to edit and layer simple music and sound fxs. So here it is. My 1rst short abstract film made my me as a rookie filmmaker. Remember i never had training prior and i only used what i had available at the time. Enjoy!
Not bad! I really like experimental pieces like this, and it was overall well made. Although there are a few things that I think could be improved on.

Some shots were a bit too shaky, and other times shots were awkwardly framed.
The "old film" look was a bit unconvincing.
It feels repetitive. Not that repetition is bad, but the scenes in which new imagery was being thrown at us were the more powerful and interesting moments.

But nice work. Great pacing, music, grading, (most of the) camera work, and overall imagery and sound.
Not bad! I really like experimental pieces like this, and it was overall well made. Although there are a few things that I think could be improved on.

Some shots were a bit too shaky, and other times shots were awkwardly framed.
The "old film" look was a bit unconvincing.
It feels repetitive. Not that repetition is bad, but the scenes in which new imagery was being thrown at us were the more powerful and interesting moments.

But nice work. Great pacing, music, grading, (most of the) camera work, and overall imagery and sound.

Thank you! This was my 1rst attempt at film making when i started in 2011. Its amazing how i can now look at this and think of all the things i would have done completely different. I'm going to post my 2nd project i did in 2011 right after this abstract short. It was a promo that i was hired to make for a film.