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watch music video

I uploaded this video before, but found a small mistake I havent noticed after uploading it, so had to re edit... Well which gives me opportunity to share the CORRECT version of the video with you :)

Some people say the video doesn't go witht song which is a piss take of a dance song and I made it (or at least tried to make it) but """artistic""""

I would really appraciate your feedback please? and LIKE it if you LIKE it :D

Thank you! :)
Some people say the video doesn't go witht song which is a piss take of a dance song and I made it (or at least tried to make it) but """artistic""""
The party-bop song is high energy and the video is ballad-esque low energy, aside from the slo-mo party people bouncing up and down.
Needs twice to four times as many edit cuts, (which equals a sh!tload more time, I respect! :yes::lol:)

Also, I know you have a good enough camera but a lot of these images look less than as crisp as I believe you can achieve.
Looks like you shot it in 720p or something.

Also, the flatness of the studio images is fine - IF - you're going to lay some overt color grading afterwards. Which you didn't. :(
This looks non-artistically flat in luminosity.

Fair enough color grading during the song's bridge.

And listening to the lyrics and theme of the song the video double-doesn't go with the song. :lol:
Eh... I just wanted to be "creative" :( I am not into dance music and I didnt like the song as well so I just couldnt come up with any party-like video... The last time I was out clubbing was in 2008 lol...

But I do understand it doesn't really fit the song...

what about if you turn the sound off... would it look better? :D :P lol

"Looks like you shot it in 720p" - correct... I wanted to have bit of slow motion so shot if in 60fps

"Also, the flatness of the studio images is fine - IF - you're going to lay some overt color grading afterwards. Which you didn't.
This looks non-artistically flat in luminosity" what kind of lay some over color grading do you have in mind? So I'll keep that in mind for the next video :P
I am not into dance music and I didnt like the song as well so I just couldnt come up with any party-like video...
Eh... I've seen enough of your videos, you're getting too good to have that POV for any professionalism. :lol:
Man up.
Do your homework.
Make the best d@mn dance video you can - even if the subject and song suck donkey ba.... balance sheets.:D These practice videos can go a long way later. Maybe.
Try to make 'em good. :yes:

The last time I was out clubbing was in 2008 lol...
Braver man than me.
I never went.
Cant stand the atmosphere.

But I do understand it doesn't really fit the song...

what about if you turn the sound off... would it look better?
Definitely! A lot! :yes:

"Looks like you shot it in 720p" - correct... I wanted to have bit of slow motion so shot if in 60fps
And when your camera shoots at 60fps does it take over control of your manual settings, specifically the aperture? Or does it shoot at 60fps only @ 720p, or less?
If it's an aperture issue, for future reference you might wanna select an overly lit environment to shoot that high frame rate at so that the image sensor has a ton of light on it.
But if it's a 60fps=auto >720p then I guess you're kinda limited by the equipment. Bummer in that case. :(

"Also, the flatness of the studio images is fine - IF - you're going to lay some overt color grading afterwards. Which you didn't.
This looks non-artistically flat in luminosity" what kind of lay some over color grading do you have in mind? So I'll keep that in mind for the next video.
Hmm... I could rip it and grade it myself as an example, otherwise just screw around with the brightness/contrast/vividness/tint capabilities of your NLE.
I kinda get the impression you flippantly put this together just for the halibut.
If so, fair enough.

Are you interested in doing music videos for pay, or was this just a one-off in a field not likely to be seriously pursued?
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I kinda get the impression you flippantly put this together just for the halibut.
If so, fair enough.

Are you interested in doing music videos for pay, or was this just a one-off in a field not likely to be seriously pursued?

Well... The thing is... I never even thought of film making... I started off with acting training in 2009... then didn't get anything so I bought my canon 60D in 2011... Since then I made few short films and unpaid music video (couple of them were low paid, but still paid)

Acting is what I really want to do... But now after 2 years of film making people say I am getting better at it and also, I have bought all the needed equipment and learnt everything myself in a 1-2 years (filming, using the equipment and editing softwares etc...) and 98% of the work I do myself.

There is A LOT I don't understand about it but so far I am doing what I like...

Am I doing it as a career or a hobby?... You can't answer that... I am just going with the flow, and don't limit it... I started just making silly videos on YouTube... ended up in big budget feature films and tv show... I started making silly music video... I ended up getting paid for it... (low but still)... and never had plans for that

I just do itwhat I want and go with the flow... Will I ever make video for Rihanna?... I dont think so... But if it happens will be great... But if I won't, I won't cry. I dont say NO to anything... Im an open gate and let anything come in :D :cool: