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watch Music Vid: My latest

Hi all. Little music vid shot with the magnificent DoP, Autre Director. Shot at the Bush Hall and the band faced a fine of $5,000 USD if the vid was not delivered at a certain point in time so no pressure! They want another so it's always good to have a happy, paying customer. Incidentally, if you like the music style, they're good in concert as well and recently returned from a tour of Greece where they were playing in front of a few thousand people. Prog Rock can be a bit niche so they have a cult following but it's still a following!

The vision was theirs, we were more about execution and putting our own ideas including some weird camerawork (good stuff Autre). Music style is prog rock.

More importantly, I always hear the question on this forum, what camera...? The answer is what tool is needed for the job. We chose the GH4 as a creative decision because:

- There were some extremely small spaces and only a DSLR could get in there
- We needed to move the camera around and needed something light and easy to manipulate
- Simple, no fuss shooting with easy edit workflow.
- 4k - some of the shots needed it
- The look. The band wanted a mixture of clean and dirty and the GH4 can provide this look in a cinematic style.

What are your thoughts?

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Thanks! I came up with a concept that was a little too radical for them but we kept with their thoughts / ideas / concept which they preferred. Naturally, Autre and I added our own, unique touches...
And it's up to 1,000 views at the end of the first 5 days. Would anticipate another 1,000 over the next week or so and then to drop off massively...