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Multimythic Media (Ashland, OR)

Just wanted to pop by and share my business website / portfolio.


Multimythic Media is an independent media production company based in Ashland, Oregon. Multimythic Media was founded in 2011 by Sangye Ince-Johannsen, a fourth-year undergraduate student at Southern Oregon University, where he is presently pursuing a double major in Anthropology and Video Production. The Campbellian monomyth suggests that all narratives share one essential mythos. Au contraire, thought Sangye, there is a multiplicity of stories to be told, and each has a place among all the rest. It is in this line of thought that Multimythic Media was born, as a company that aspires to tell the stories left untold, and to fit them into the context of competing and coexistent narratives.

Multimythic Media specializes in the development of high quality digital videos for creative, musical, promotional, commercial, non-profit, advocacy, and education-related needs. Multimythic Media is presently mostly my (Sangye’s) undertaking, though I am delighted at any opportunity to collaborate with other local filmmakers, as well as other artists, actors, activists, musicians, and the otherwise creatively-inclined. For every multimedia need, I’m prepared to contract work to whatever independent professionals might be required to supplement my own abilities, toward developing highest quality end-products for a broad clientele.

Our standard rates are $75 per hour for on-site videography and cinematography, and $50 per hour for in-house production and post-production. On more comprehensive projects, I'm happy to work on a bid basis. For local clients in the education and non-profit sectors, as well as those that are otherwise involved in humanitarian and ecological efforts, I work on a sliding-scale basis, and am also open to work-exchange, profit-sharing, or other alternative modes of compensation. If you are interested in my services and would like more information, please contact me at 541.778.6626 | sangye@multimyth.com