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Moving - Experimental Short Film Beautifully Reproduces The Dream Experience

Film Title: Moving
Director / Cinematographer: Roger Gordon
Cast: Lorraine Gordon, Janie Lawson, James Drain, Nikki Brooke

SHORTFILMTEXAS (SFT): What is your experimental short film “Moving” about?
ROGER GORDON (RG): The short film “Moving” was primarily an exercise in reproducing the dream experience I filmed while attending Austin School of Film. I’m fascinated by dreams, and especially with their portrayal on film. Dream imagery is likely unique to each dreamer, but there are concepts that are surely shared. Even using such a powerful tool as film, I’ve long realized presenting this subconscious experience in a way that is immersive and that an audience can relate to is extremely challenging. When this is accomplished when I ‘m watching a film, however, I find myself literally whooping with delight.

SFT: What did you shoot on? Edit on? Tell me a little about the editing process.
RG: I shot this all on a Canon 518 Super 8 film camera, probably from the 1970′s. The film was hand processed in a way that purposefully damaged the images, using dirty chemicals and a canister too small for the amount of film inserted. The developed film was then projected onto a white sheet of paper where the image was captured on a consumer DV camera. DIY big time.

THANK YOU ! wonderful short. Very surreal and dream like. Im working on something dreamy and surreal myself. I can get differing meanings and no meanings whatsoever by watching this over and over. Disturbing at times and a feeling of being lost. Well Done ! This is not mainstream 4 sure. Did you do LSD as a teen or ???

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