Poke said:
As of now, I don't see much difference between this site and others ...

That's a big - Wrongo, El Poko!!!

Check out the FAQ page ...

Lots of interesting tidbits ...

MoviesAskew is a monthly online shorts festival. Every month 1 short will be chosen to be included on a MoviesAskew DVD. Every year the festival is held the top 12 shorts will be shown in a real theater and a winner will be crowned MoviesAskew Short of the Year.

5 are chosen each month to be hosted by A sixth will be chosen as a lifeboat selection. That's a total of 72 a year. 12 of those will be chosen to be on a Movies Askew DVD and shown at the Movies Askew Festival. The audience will narrow the 12 down to the top 5. A panel of celebrity judges will then crown the Best Short of the Year. The best short winner will receive the Grand Prize.

Grand Prize?

A Panasonic Home Entertainment Center, a bunch of Miramax/Dimension Home Videos, and an apprentice position on the next View Askew Film (which is hardly a prize, we realize; more like a punishment).

Cool Stuff.

I'll decide whther I think it's cool depending on the amount of the entry fee... that makes me nervous for only 5 movies per month getting selected. Not many peoplew ill have the chance to be seen.
$25 is the entry fee. About the same as some small fests entry fees. I think it's a pretty reasonable deal.

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I'm disqualified because I already ahve all my short films onthe web elsewhere....

$25 isn't bad, but it seems high for the precious few slots. It's subjective. I find it too high for a lot of regional film fests too. At least with this one, the reward is a much more longstanding DVD distribution....

I would not say it's unreasonable, just too rich for my blood (and I can't submit anyway).

Good luck to all who submit! Looks like a decent new short film site.