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watch Mountain man(horror short) somewhat

So i went on my yearly camping trip and had some ideas for a horror short to shoot, i had a script planned out but considering the only willing person actually wanting to shoot was my cousin(the guy actor in this short) and my sister wanted nothing to do with it and i had no one else and really have no one with acting skills this is what came of my idea.


I know it has lots of problems but what can you do when you have no one who really wants to shoot a short and plus people that aren't really good at acting. I guess just watch and tell me what to improve on. kinda rushed this and was just disappointed i couldn't find anyone to act for me.

Obviously what you shot is very Cliche so it wont appeal to everyone, but i dont mind a but of Cliche every now and again :D

You had a couple of nice shots in there... the girl being dragged at the end and the shot moving up the axe.

I just felt you didn't build enough tension, it kind of was all over very quickly, you need to get the viewer into a sense of self panic as they dont know when the scare will come.
Also the color felt off to me.... you may want to look at that.

The best advice I can give is to, learn from the experience.

if i was you... i would watch the short analyse it, work out how to make it better and go and reshoot it :D

What do you personally think needs improving?
yeah, i SUCK at color correction. I tried my best at it. I felt it went by very fast but then again i did have a more tense script planned its just i don't have people to work with. A more better paced script involves more scenes to be shot and time spent shooting that the people i usually have to work with don't care to give me =/.
It was okay. I really enjoyed how you did the the first killing, the effects used in that shot showed real potential. My main issue, is the acting. I understand the people didn't really want to be there and it showed. My advice, is be patient. It doesn't need to be shot right away, if you are having trouble casting put if off for a while; it will give you more planning time too to polish it off in to something awesome. I live in a show-biz town where if you throw a rock you hit ten actors trying to break in to the film business so I don't know how it is in many other places, but I would put an ad on Craiglist for casting calls, or ask around a local high school's theater department. You can have the most flawless script, but no one really cares unless the actors can pull it off. I would also suggest maybe taking an acting class yourself, they aren't long and the ones I've been in are really fun, because as a director part of your job is to be able to pull out those emotions and reactions. The best directors I know locally, are the ones who started off as actors.

Hope this helped! :)