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watch More Than A Game


I'm gonna get nit-picky about a few things, but that's a reflection of the overrall quality. I like your editing. The first few things that jumped out at me --

1. The coloring threw me out of whack. I think I would've prefered something a little closer to natural. I'm not gonna comment on the lighting, cuz you did this while on vacation! (which adds to the fun of it)
2. The SFX need some work, but I assume you know that already.
3. A couple of shots were too long (at the 0:20 mark, do we really need to see him run down the entire hallway?)
4. 1:50 is a jump-cut. I use jump-cuts all the time, but only when they make sense, and only intentionally. This one is jarring, and it doesn't belong. If you don't have a smooth cut between his two actions, then you should let him leave the frame (or enter it) in one shot or the other, and if that doesn't work, cut away to something else.
5. The elevator-music bit is funny. I laughed. But it gets repetitive. You only need to do it once, then move along.

Nice work!
Thanks for the feedback guys!

I appreciate it all and will take all that into account.
I admit i did that jump cut unknowingly, and the hallway shot could have been easily cut in half.

Thanks again!

// L u k e