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watch Momentum - By Edward Curran III

Hello whomever may be reading this. I've been working on inventing a series for quite some time and finally have gotten the first complete.
The series is called Impulse and it is about a group of poor men who have been wronged, mistreated, and betrayed that decide to take matters into their own hands.
The first episode, Momentum, starts in media res. All will be explained in time.

I present, "Momentum".

I should add, the music was an original score, created by Indietalk's very own Kasper Pollas! The man does incredible work.
Nice work! Your best by far. Kasper's score is fantastic as well. Although the film overall can be improved on.

My biggest problem with the film is the visual styles. Some shots are too dark, others too bright. Some shots are handheld, others are straightforward and still. Some shots are desaturated, others are overly saturated. If there was more continuity in terms of overall visual style, I would have been more interested and captivated by the film. Some of the pacing/dialogue delivery isn't as good as I think it could be. Although aside from that, wonderful work. I look forward to seeing the next. This did capture my interest and I look forward to viewing the next! :)
Some shots are too dark, others too bright.

I do agree that some shots did seem a bit too dark for me.

While I thank you for your compliments and criticism, I agree completely and am terribly maddened by this. When playing back the film in my editing suite and even as a raw .mov file, it appeared a lot brighter and looked how I wanted it to. I uploaded to YouTube and it was distorted completely. What the fuck happened! :grumpy: