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mixing 50fps and 15fps(timelapse) footage? HELP

Okay so we have filmed a documentary with a Canon XF305, the footage is 50fps. We're editing on Avid. We also got some timelapse photography on a Canon 550d. I put these timelapses together on Quicktime Pro and Adobe Premiere as 15fps(I still haven't exported the whole thing yet though).

When I am able to get back onto Avid, I want to just drag and drop the timelapse footage onto the timeline already edited. The overall documentary will obviously be exported as 50fps, will this pose problems for the timelapse footage when I export the documentary? Will it speed them up suddenly making them play a lot quicker(which means they will be shorter)?

I also want to create the ending credits on After Effects, then drag and drop into Avid. Would it be a problem if I exported the credits as 25fps or should I do it as 50fps???

Help me out guys I'm starting to panic :huh:
Why are you exporting the overall project as 50fps? Shouldn't you be exporting as 25fps as it is much more standard?

In regards to the 12fps I don't think it would matter too much but in saying that, I haven't done it before
Actually I'm not too sure if were gonna be exporting as 50fps or not. I just assumed we would since thats what we filmed at. It may end up being 25fps. Any ideas if that would affect the timelapse stuff which is at 15 fps?
Oops when I said 12fps I meant your 15fps. Considering you've already done the timelapse all you can really do is put it in the project and test it.

Personally when making a timelapse I aim to have it play at 25fps, so I plan that beforehand but I understand if it needs to be slower.

I standby what I said that exporting at 50fps would be abnormal