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mixed titles/credits

So, what do you do when your actors also do sound, music composing, and light? I mean end credit wise..

I want to keep those end titles to the minimum length, since the movie is only 4 mins long..

Would u say "Actor/Composer - John Doe", "Actor/Sound Engineer - Don Smith".. ?

One of my actors did composing AND make up, and he wants that title there as well (no idea why), so he'll have three titles.. I'm just about to tell him "Hey, a**hole, you get one pick"

Whats your experience with this?
I always use separate credits for each position. I've found that when submitting things to some sites and some festivals, it's easier to transpose from the credits to the application form that way.
From a commercial art/graphic design perspective it will look much better by keeping roles separate even though names appear more than once.

Joe Jones - Moses
Paul Peters - Pharaoh
Sam Smith - Aaron

Joe Jones - Director
Paul Peters - Editor
Sam Smith - Score
Sam Smith - Sound Recording
Joe Jones - Craft Services​

With shorts (and new directors) the tricky part seems to be WHEN and HOW to display the credits.

First, since it's a short I prefer to show credits at the end.
Anyone interested will figure out to look back there.
Everyone not interested will have turned off the video by then.
Additionally, you can take your sweet time displaying credits at the end, whereas at the front you'd better superimpose them across information already going on in the background or fade in-&-out PDQ, (almost defeating the purpose of "giving credit").

Second, taking your sweet time displaying credits at the front has gone out of vogue since the B&W era and likely remains a union contract issue with actors/directors/producers/casting/editing/et al.
Doesn't apply in nubile shorts.

Stick 'em at the end.
Scroll 'em if you can.
Separate actor credits from production credits
Double & triple bill those who do more than one duty to the cause.
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