Mix Formats

Hey guys,

I just recently filmed a wedding (my first use of a camera alone, I usually visualize and setup shots (direct) but never operate or edit) and I used my Panasonic MiniDV to record the event. My brother used my stepmother's DVD format - Sony and my family wants me to edit them into one video. I haven't bought/downloaded any editing software yet but I was curious since my Panasonic is on MiniDV and in 16:9 format and the other is a DVD and it looks to be Full Screen when I play the DVD's on my computer.....will they edit together? Will I have to change the aspect ratio of one to make them look similar? Can I take the video off of the DVD or do I need to use the camera and it;s USB cable (the camera is out of state).....HELP!!!:)

also....are there any decent FREE editing programs? My Panasonic came with MotionDV or something like that and I was wondering if it would be sufficient.
I've found in Final Cut Pro you can crop/resize video to make them all one single size like you want, but that's a $1200 Apple-only solution.

As to free NLEs out there, there's Cinelerra and Kino, but they're for Linux only. Cinelerra is a very professional NLE, though. I have yet to find a halfway-decent NLE for Microsoft Windows (That's why I moved to a Mac).