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watch Militant Filmmaking: A Philosophy for The Medium

actually one of the more captivating and thought out things i've seen in awhile... so often to the getting-crazy-with-FCP-FX sort of videos get sidetracked in a muck of messing around with the distortion and FX that they lose focus in why doing so can be important. but you do it well, your culture jamming methods came across pretty strongly in defense of your argument. of which, i couldn't quite tell where the satire ends and the militant art philosophy comes in, but i enjoyed you blurring of the two as entertainment. my problem with your theory mainly resides in this militant art being seemingly against other video (reality TV), and your 3 vows didn't really address this. it kind of leaves the whole thing openended

i really loved some of the lines, though, particularly "95% of idiots listen to music" that was gold

so yeah, i think you're onto something in the culture jamming field which is cool to see someone take the initiative to work on in a fairly clear way. and though you're against it, i'd like to see how you express your theory in written form, if for nothing else, my sake to read and see where you're coming from.

but as entertainment, it was a fun watch, too. so good work combining some sort of modern video philosophy with something fun enough to watch