Mic the New Black Magic

Thinking about buying the Black Magic Camera, with Nikon Lens, but I know little about sound. I've read all about hyper-cardiod mics for my mostly indoor project, but which one, don't have big money, not over 6oo for mic and nec. ass. Looked at the blue one, the russian one and the audix one. What issues will I have with this camera, what do you know? Thanks.
I need to do more reading about sound.I've been a photographer, but I need to have a far greater comprehension of audio to make a film to the highest level I can... where on the web?

As ever, the answer comes down to distribution and what you mean by "the highest level I can". If you are thinking about creating commercial quality films then I would strongly advise you to budget for professional production and post production audio personnel. Having a good comprehension of sound is always useful but is only one part of the equation, the other parts of the equation are the appropriate equipment and most importantly the experience/skills to use that equipment to achieve the required quality.

The info Alcove gave is good info.
