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watch "Metanoia"

Hey all!

My friend and I paired up for our final film proect for a class here at the University of Rhode Island. This is what we created! It was shot on a Bolex using 16mm film (no sound, obviously). It cost us around $200 to make. It's not perfect, for we accidentally screwed up light meter readings, so a lot of footage had to be color corrected. However, we are very happy with the end result! It was screened tonight, and was chosen by the audience as the best film of the night, which was exciting (there were some tough critics there, and some really AMAZINNNGGG films....). So, here we have it. It's called "Metanoia"! Enjoy!


I would also love comments and constructive criticism!! This was our second time using a Bolex camera. It's definitely a fun tool to use (on the pricey side..) but provided for a great experience! I'm not sure if I would voluntarily go use 16mm in the near future, but again, it was fun to make this :)