Memory card for Canon Rebel T3i?

Just got the new camera and it turns out the video feature only lasts around 12 seconds before cutting out.

It turns out that the memory card I have is incompatible with shooting longer videos. Anybody know which memory cards can support the video feature with this cam? Thanks.
Canon recommends cards with a Class 6 rating or higher for video.
I have shot video in Class 4 cards, but I would trust that. Just get a class 10 SD card and bedone with it.
I got two class 10 cards, one 4GB and one 16GB. The 16 holds 45 minutes of 24fps 1080p video, including the sound recording. If you have a laptap you can keep switching back and forth and dumping data off into the laptop during takes.
Transcend class 10 - 16 to 32gig will work. SanDisk class 6 and up will work as well since they are the best. I dont trust Patriot memory as I had a issue that sounds just like yours with them. Make sure to disable auto lighting features as well on the camera. Hope that helps.