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watch Me, My Drinking, My Depression

It was relatively well done for what it is in my novice opinion. If that were my work, I'd market it to substence abuse treatment programs run by the various State and Fed entities. Some of those images would make good awareness-type commercials.
That T2i makes some nice images, eh? :)

I liked the editing most.
The rich coloring second.

Decent enough matching of music to story.

Speaking of which, the story could use a little more... story. Something where it looks like after sitting and wasting his time for a while he considers doing something, begins doing it, and... awww, f#ckit. Back to his previous state - and - get's worse than he was before. Something more than just 2+ mins of weaving and bobbing.

Uncredited principle has got to be cleanest guy ever to sit alone on the back service area with a can in a bag fueling his depression. On a do over I wouldn't go hog wild making the man filthy, but at least get him some clean but worn thrift shop shirt and shoes, maybe skip shaving for a day or two.

Docu-cam still needs some additional stabilization: DIY camera shoulder rig.


Extending the story actually would've been a pretty good idea. I just never intended on making more than about 2 minutes. As far as the cleanliness I know exactly what you're saying. I actually did think about that before hand but kind of forgot and dismissed it during filming. Still working on getting a rig or steadycam, every time i see how shaky that first shot is i get a little pissed lol. Thanks for the feedback guys!