Making this harder than it is! Audio Question...

I am working with some band footage and I need to make sure that the audio channels are 'paired' so that I don't have to set my keyframes individually. And since I don't do anything without my manuals next to me, I have been consulting them. In order to 'link' my audio tracks in FCP 4, it says; go to Modify-Stereo Pair. I am doing this but I am still only able to manipulate one track at a time.

There has to be something small that I am missing or failing to do, especially when I have done this before. I haven't had a project to work on in a while. Now that I do, its coming back to me, but the lightbulb hasn't gone on yet for this one.

Can anyone quickly give me an idea of what I must be skipping?

-- spinner :cool:
In the upper right of your timeline, the link button is probably's a little green chain looking thing in that rounded button bar thingy at the top of the timeline portion of the interface...I think the keystroke for it is shift-L.
Hi, knightly!

No, that's not it. I remembered to check that and linked or no, my audio is still unlinked.

Audio is my biggest problem when I edit. I can do basic 'VU meter' type of stuff, but correcting something that is too low isn't my strong suit. (that doesn't have anything to do with my link/unlink problem, but anyway...)

...also, I am trying to raise the audio level of my 'rehearsal' footage. The level is good for the actual songs, but much too low for the conversational stuff. I have already raised the db level to 12 and it still is not exactly where I would like it to be. Any thoughts?

-- spinner :cool:
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I'm not at my Mac right now but what I think you want to do is either Apple-L or Alt-L... it links the two channels together. Just highlight the two clips you want to link.

As for your audio question I would edit first then import the audio into Soundtrack Pro where you can Normalize it. That will definitely get you a louder sound than what FCP allows.
yes, you could nest the sequence inside another sequence and adjust the volume higher there as well after balancing in the original sequence...make sure that the music parts are mixed low enough so they don't go over board...I would recommend, however, that if you have soundtrack, that you do your final audio mix in there.
I'll let you guys know when I am almost done. That could be next week some time. I am trying to hit a couple of film fest deadlines. So when it is ready, I will be looking for some assistance if possible :)

...and I'll be looking for you to really rip apart the audio. I am not good at it, so I need to learn how to be good at it.

-- spinner :cool: