archived-videos Making Songs & Developing Video Themes

Hi , I am a Musician & also Amateur Film Maker, I have started to compose Original Music Tracks then take a look at what kind of Name & Theme response I get from the Process then give them some Visual Motion using simple Animations from Stills that I think go with the Overall Theme.

I am hoping to go back to them at a Sooner than later date & create Documentaries & shorts films based around the Themes & Music Tracks.

Examples :

Does anyone else work like this?
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That's similar to how writers/directors sometimes find a piece of music to inspire them before they get into fleshing out an idea.
Add some credits to that & it looks like the opening to a show about unexplained phenomena. Maybe you'd be good at doing work like that :)
That's similar to how writers/directors sometimes find a piece of music to inspire them before they get into fleshing out an idea.
Add some credits to that & it looks like the opening to a show about unexplained phenomena. Maybe you'd be good at doing work like that :)

Thanks for the Input - I thought that this method of gaining flesh from the bones of a piece of music & delivering an expression of how that would look in a visual form & then a Theme.

I wanted to do a 'Tomorrows People' kind of thing that would inspire the people of Today to become from a Creative Sense of Being & explore their Fears.