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Making an actor sound like 2 characters in post

I have an actress who read for 2 characters, but her voice sounds too similar for the 2 characters she read for in the VOs.

Can we brain storm suggestions on how to make her voice become more like 2 characters?

The first thing that comes to mind is to change the pitch of her voice for one of the 2 characters she read for.

Any other tips / suggestions?

Thanks in advance.
Doing all solo dialog work myself, I've used the free AV MP3 Player-Morpher to alter my voice for different characters.

Go ahead and record her voice for each character in their respective personas then alter in the player-morpher.
It works best tweaking in a little more bass, not so good tweaking in a little more trebble.
And then I change timing elements and run a few filters over it in my regular audio editor.
(Actually, I run it through the audio editor first - then - screw around with the "voice" in the morpher).

Being an actress she should be able to use different accent and different delivery styles - make them distinctive. That will go a long way. Then you alter the voice formant slightly (pitch up/down, etc.).
Changing the ptch by lowering one to two notches with Sound Forge and locking down the dutation where the length of the dialogue remains constant is the best way I can see. Just droping the pitch a notch or two changes the sound of the voice where it sounds like someone else. Anything more than one or two notches and the voice sounds too synthetic.