Making a slasher

Hi guys, new here. and I'm glad I have a place where I can talk about Indie films and creating them. I 'm gonna go off on a limb and say a lot of people on here are movie makers? If so that's cool because I can probably help answer some questions but keep in mind I am not a pro I am still learning some things as well.

I am making a Slasher movie as we speak with my friend. However We kind of got screwed over when it comes to funds. I'm on a legit website where people can donate small funds to the project so if you're interested check out the link below. Any donations to the project would be greatly appreciated.
Hey Jon, sucks that you got ripped off but I guess lesson learned. Good to hear you didn't get sour about filmmaking because of some greedy schmuck.

When it comes to funding, the members here see maybe 10 posts a week asking for us poor filmmakers to fund their movie. (the last one was asking for 3 mil) Truth be told, if we had the money, we'd be make our own movies and there are a lot of who already have/are in the process. Who knows though, you never know. You've got a smallish goal in mind, you may be strike the right note with someone so I wish you the best of luck.

I suggest you spend some time on the site, answering some questions and even ask a few of your own. Eg:

cast,film location, distribution, ect ect

Wow 3 mil? that's a bit much. and yes lesson learned indeed. i was sour about people for a while but didn;t want to let that stop me from making a movie. Like all of us on here I would like to break in to the film industry and make good films that aren't obsessed with commercials