Make a grown (or not so grown) filmmaker cry

Have you guys seen Red yet?
First thing you'll notice is that it fits every anime boy's dreams. That's not really important, though it sure is sexy.
What is important is the specs. Check them out. It's boasted as an HD equivalent to 35mm. Heard that before?
Check the price. "MSRP of $17,500 for RED ONEā„¢ camera."
What's the word? Should we start breaking our piggy banks?

~ Paul
Not to throw water on your, already teary eyes, but we've been discussing Red for at least 6 months. The word on the street is that the first production versions might be available this year. It is definitely the camera to watch, but most of us common folk are stuck with equipment that we can actually put our hands on.

There is a lot of excitement about Red, and the excitement is justified, in my opinion.
How could I think I beat anyone to the punch around here? ;)
True, $17,500 might as well be $70,000 when you have $0, but it gives you something to dream about, right?

~ Paul
If you get into this more seriously a proponent of camera ownership...If you wanted to do a budgeted feature...filmstock & processing cost alone could pay for this camera, a couple of lenses and a big harddrive for storing footage...and you'd never have to make that investment a second time :) Every project you do after that is that much can rent it to yourself in the other budgets through an offshore company with accounts in the caymens ;)
Undoubtedly it is a fantastic investment - and the future of film. Digital and HD are some of the most exciting developments of the time. Just think - us budding filmmakers can launch the fore-front of this new wave. A whole new generation of creative freedom in limited scales? I'm in.
I think we're going to find (or are finding - that myspace thread) that the internet is not the perfect distribution medium, though. I hope to use it to make my earlier and smaller works available, sure, but as a wide-spread release? I think the question we really need to ask is this - do we want our work played exclusively on laptops and iPods?

~ Paul
Personally, I think the 'perfect distribution medium' for indie filmmakers has not yet been created.

Right now, the internet is there for online viewing, but there has to be a level of effort put into the search for new material. It's generally not centralized in any fashion and there's always the problem of competing video codes and non-standard 'standards' based upon the OS used (Windows/Apple/Linux).

Until someone creates a new form of 'boxed' IP-based distribution (Please don't say Apple TV, but that's a step in the correct 'general direction') that any dolt can use to find any form of video entertainment, we'll be stuck in the same boat trying fruitlessly to get an audience for our films.

Just my $0.02, take with a grain of salt, your mileage may vary...
I suggest that we corral people into large trucks, dump them in camps and force them to watch our movies.

Or, no no - we can get satellites to beam our films directly into their brains. They'll be driving down the highway when, BAM! Opening credits in their brain.

~ Paul
Until someone creates a new form of 'boxed' IP-based distribution (Please don't say Apple TV, but that's a step in the correct 'general direction') that any dolt can use to find any form of video entertainment, we'll be stuck in the same boat trying fruitlessly to get an audience for our films.

I smell a potential business venture..
This sentence sparked some intriguing thoughts in my head.. Hmmmm.... :D
... but they just put up a forum So no linky for you.
I'm going to go on record to say it's a stupid rule. Insecurity is for insecure people. It seems to me that this forum has nothing to fear from other forums. I doubt the rule has any affect on a person's ability to find other forums; it's just an inconvenience to the members.
Tread lightly.
I did mention that I think this is a great forum. I sure hope you're not threatening me for voicing my opinion. I value my freedom far more than any internet forum, and I'll exercise the former without regard for the loss of the latter. I said what I meant, and I meant what I said. I would hope no free thinking individual would censure me for that. I've always tried to add value on this forum. I may go away silently, but I will not be ashamed.
That's it oak, you're going in the movie camp. You better hope my movies get better, cuz you're watching them on repeat.
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