Low/No Budget 3D Indie Movie

Hey friend as we all know here are few great Pro filmmakers. so i wanted to know did any one tried making a Low/No budget 3D Indie movie? I once tried as my bro is a good animator. but due to lack of artists for story board plus the problem of load shedding in Pakistan we had problems. There was also a problem of High Computers.
SO any one of you tried?

by the way what about the market of Low/No Budget 3D Indie Movie? any interesting info which you want to share?

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You might want to talk to Ladd, he has a DVD for sale.

Some folks from Blender created Big Buck Bunny which might be worth picking up a copy of. The entire film is available online, but the DVD has all the making of information, and all the 3d models I believe. Also worth checking out if you haven't is the film Hoodwinked. Good film, and it's got some insightful commentary and extra feature footage that talks about creating an animated film independently, etc.
Well, since I mentioned three separate films, you would have to be more specific as to which "it" you're referring to.... Flatland I believe was, Big Buck Bunny I think was a volunteer project, and Hoodwinked was not a no budget production, but it was an independent production.

At any rate, I maintain that regardless of the budget status of any of them, they would be useful to you for the reasons I previously mentioned.