cinematography Low Key - Candle

its about candles again...

Ugh... Its been a while... I welcome myself back!
Something I shot lately... Ambiance (-3), Key (+1/2), Windows (Zone V/Incident)


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Thanks guys... I am flattered... and humbly pleased.
Anyway... about the numbers...

In relation to any hipothetical F-stop on the Lens the numbers were as follows:
- Level of Ambiance was at 2.5 Stops Under (- 2.5/- 3)
- Level of Keys at 1/2 Over (+1)
- Level of Fill at 1Stop Under (-1)
- Zone V/Incident.... I wanted the Window Sheers to look lit with moonlight ... This meant I couldn't afford letting them blow out... To have it under control I had to keep White at its own White... This will happen when you light White to the Incident Reading of the Value of the Lens F-stop for the Scene. In my dealing and understanding of Lighting, Lens F-stop is only a Reference to 18% Grey... To create anything then... I start "Dancing with Light"

Wanting to create Darkness ... I will see it in my mind as a Grey Card at any particular Zone of Exposure. I will then underexpose accordingly leaving Lens F-stop alone. I Do not touch the F-stop.... I "dance with Light" around it... this - in my opinion - is the only way than one can acually bring something out of one's mind... any other approach being not much more than an ad hoc improvisation.
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