I'd see it
I'd watch it, but then again I also watched Kickboxer 3 yesterday.
Everything has value, and normally I watch an entire movie looking for at least one good scene.
I watch anything, when I have time.
Alright, I'll let you know my thoughts as they happened.
First, this seems like a teaser to me. Maybe because I'm working on a few myself, I don't know.
Opening with the credits and music set a certain feel. Suspense, probably because I read that you were going for that.
The helicopter I thought was bad. It looked like it flew inbetween the 2 trees and there was no reaction from the downdraft. Wasn't realistic for me.
When the first words were spoken and she said, reference to Baghdad, I was like... wait a minute, that ain't Baghdad

I don't know why those words were spoken or why it was added to the teaser?
The commander seems unsure of himself. I don't know if that's what you were going for but that's what I get. Like his dad is a general and he was put in his position based on that, rather than his skills
The sequence from when the commander says "Stay in front of me, I want to keep my eye on you" and when the guy got shot was strange. WHY such a long darkness...
I hear a shot in the darkness, then see the commander pointing a gun at the back of the guy that was just shot... looked to me like the commander did it. So why the long dark transition
The grenade throw didn't seem like it was hucked too far. Seemed like everyone was gonna take a hit from that one! (initial response) I looked at it again and it seemed fine, maybe it was a shadow on the arm when it was thrown... I don't know... but first impressions is all you get with a teaser.
The scene of the commander stand up, firing at someone didn't seem real.. if someone just shot someone in front of me, I'd be on the ground or be hind or on the ground behind a tree.
With all that said, I'd still watch the film. How much would I pay for to see it??? not much, it wouldn't get me to buy a DVD. I'd download it for a couple dollars though