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watch Lost in the Woods - Zelda: Majora's Mask Short Film (2014)


This is a short film based on the video game "The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask", and more specifically, the comic and art by Zac Gorman.

Zac draws the video game comic blog Magical Game Time and he does some really wonderful and genuine stuff! Majora's Mask was one my favorite video games growing up and I really love Zac's take on it. On his blog he writes:

"Been thinking about Skull Kid and Majora's Mask. The more I think about it, the more I realize what a wonderful game it really is in context of the series. It's a game about alienation, loneliness and the importance of friendship, and in its own strange way it just may be the saddest and most personal Zelda game."

Check out Zac's work at magicalgametime.com and zacgorman.com!

The music was written for the film by Niklas Aldén and it is a remix of "Saria's Song" by Koji Kondo. Niklas is a fantastic composer and audio engineer and you can follow him on his website, aldenaudio.se
This was quite excellent - In fact, even in its brevity, this is one of my favorite pieces I've seen on Indietalk in a long time. I'm an absolutely massive Zelda fan since childhood, and the N64 games in particular resonate very personally with me. So, naturally I adore Majora's Mask. This was a beautifully done little video, I'd love to see you explore it more, and the remix of Saria's Song is excellent as well.

Keep up the great work! This certainly reminded me I should take some time out of my schedule to go replay Majora's and Ocarina!

Oh, and just wondering - Did you write the script for it, or did you pull that from the comic it's inspired by? Either way, it's a great little script and I love how you displayed it on the same prompts the game uses.
That was actually pretty cool. I've always thought that game was about the five stages of death and grief:

Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and Acceptance.

Check this out if you wanna see a funny little Ocarina of Time parody:

From this point forward I'm going to describe the Legend of Zelda games exactly like this.

"You play as a pre-pubescent minor that kills pig men after putting together triangles."