Looking for RED camera owner and operator (New York Area)

Looking for RED Camera Owner and Operator that has complete knowledge of the camera's ins-and-outs. This is for a film shoot that will take place between January 4 to January 11, direct scheduling will be made once all talent is locked. This is a no-budget film shoot but contains the possibility of a bigger job offer in the summer if all goes well. We are ONLY looking for SERIOUS people who are interested in furthering their career and understand that everyone involved must be willing to give 100%.

-Film reel showcasing Black and White footage from the RED camera.
-Full understanding of film and the camera as well as at least minimal knowledge in cinematography.
-Someone who is HUNGRY, those looking for just a quick paycheck need not apply.
-Flexible schedule and willing to travel to Long Island area.
-Lens set for camera.

One further note: Professional experience is not required. If anything the applicant should be hungry to further their careers, those applications will be much more considered then those who aren't.

Please reply by email to aceintheholeprod@gmail.com