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watch Looking for feedback on my new trailer

I am impressed I got the feeling after watching this that you got some good actors. I read some of the comments form people that have seen the film and they say it is funny. You have some stand up comedians as actors from what I read. Sounds like a good way to go far as the actors because you did a comedy.

As far as the trailer it did not really tell me too much other than I got the feeling it was something like that show Office except about teachers. Not sure but that was my first vibe after watching it.

Overall, I think you could work on the trailer some more and show off some more funny parts in the trailer. Some times you have to give away some of the good parts to get people to come see the film.

Anyways, good job. Looks interesting I would probably watch it for free. But if I had to pay full price I probably would not since I did not see enough in the trailer to convince me it was good. It did not give away much about the story and peak my interest enough. Keep on working on it. I got a feeling you got a good movie you just need a better trailer.

I felt if the cinematography was better it would have been better trailer. It seemed that the camera was on a fix tripod and did not move for a lot of scenes. I feel the camera needed to move more. Maybe some one else could come in and give some pointers. I think you needed more complex cinematography then you used to really make this look great.

The cameras did move for the fight scene in the beginning. That scene looks fine to me as far as cinematography. I viewed it at full screen on my computer and it looked good. When looking at mini size on youtube it did not look as good. I think you are good.

I keep on thinking of that zoom thing they do in the office and some of the camera things they do in that show to film people. Maybe look at some episodes of the office and try to get some ideas on how to set up cameras and film to show more camera movement and make a work place look more interesting I know it is a school but the filming should be similar.

Your trailer looked good enough that it made me want it to be more professional looking. You did so good on it so far but just need to go that extra mile to get that professional look to it. Not sure if you will make it to that more professional level on this film but maybe you will on the next one. I am very impressed with what you did so far. Keep on doing films.

The audio for the voices sounded pretty good to me. You will need to get some sound people to comment on that portion but I think you got some good audio to work with but you may need to work on the mix for the trailer. Maybe some sound design people could make some recommendations.
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