archived-videos Looking for feedback - Love Roulette


I feel like you have a great premise for a story here, but I'm not sure I quite understood the punch line. I like the fact that you kept the action moving and edited it together into a tight short story. I guess I was just a little confused because the first 95% of the movie gave the impression that it is going to be about one thing, but the ending turned out to not fit with the rest of the movie -- unless that is the point...humor in absurd or unpredictable outcomes.

The looping music during the bathroom scene got to be a little too repetitive (distracting) for my taste. I liked the music, I was just hoping to hear more variation in it.

The key strength for me is in the pacing. As I said before, I thought it 'moved' well.
Thanks for the input, I appreciate it. The punchline is that nothing is a sure thing, not even the presumed outcome. The song title by the same name seemed to work well, I could have done something a little different with the looping.

Glad you liked 95% of it :)

Nice work overall, I liked it. The lighting suited the theme, everything went together pretty well, the actors did great.

The stills in the beginning detracted a bit from the story. I would have liked to see movement with them, whether animated matte painting or footage even if it's not New York or whatever to keep the feel together.

Taking the pills didn't seem real to me, more like he was holding his hand over his mouth and shaking it rather than taking pills. If he would have come out of the bathroom sporting major wood, I would have bowled over laughing, that probably would have been a bit cliche though.

Great work.
my input may not mean anything to you coming from me, a member that registered today, but i think you could have done more with the strippers, perhaps actual harm the man, gun bunt him and leave him on the floor, close up to his face and start the water works at the end. i could almost see it coming that they were there just for his money, arent all prostitutes, haha. im not sure what exactly he took, viagra im guessing, you could of had something happen to his boxers, possibly an erection for laughs. in real life im sure viagra takes longer to take effect but thats all beside the point. i do however like the top down effect you used to show the city, i thought it was beautiful. other than that i thought it was quite humerous. i would of liked to see the man actually show his hands after he took the pills to make it actually look like he took them, just for effect.

love hurts, but fake love hurts even more.
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I really liked this short, ahahaha the fact that he had a gun to contend with as well as an impending one needs that.

good story. Gota love the I love NY Boxers
I'm not a pro so take this how you want, but I agree that it doesn't look like he's actually taking the pills...perhaps if you'd used a few less he would have been able to tounge them so that it appeared the pills were going into his mouth or maybe had him take the first one, go for the door, change his mind, turn arround and take a few more, or something.

all in all I liked it though.
Thanks for the feedback, I like to hear good/bad reviews. I dig this forum.

And yes, I agree, you gotta love the NY boxers.

