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Looking for Features and Shorts For Event

I'm not sure if I'm in the right thread or not, so excuse me if I'm in error. We would very much like to start a Indie Film Night in our area. The idea is to screen at least 2 features and a few shorts, then have a discussion about the feature films after the viewing. The feedback could also be relayed to the filmmaker. This is not for awards, teaching, etc. It's for the diehard movie lovers that want to see something different. I've contacted a few distributors about screening some films at our event, and since it is not a festival, nor an event with a reputation, we have received declines or no response. I know "Without A Box" would not work for something this small, and it is not really feasible to set up a site to ask for submissions. Does any one have any suggestions on an effective way to secure feature and shorts. Our viewing audience would be 300-400 over a two day period. Thanks!
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hmm, i might have some new shorts made by then that could be suitable for that type of venue. Could you send me a PM to remind me to contact you?
I've got a short comedy that'll be finished with post production by then. If you want to post or PM me your email I can send you a copy to screen :)