Looking for extra CG artists

Hi, I'm the CGI guy in the group that's producing Manos: The Search For Valley Lodge, which is the sequel to the cult-classic horror film Manos: The Hands of Fate. It was only recently that I started doing computer graphics (semi)professionally rather than as a little hobby, and it shows. So I was told to bring in another person or two to form something of a CGI/effects team so I wouldn't have to tackle everything solo.

If this sounds interesting, here are some more details: The guy running all this is serious about making this happen and really stressed that whoever I find has to be able to meet deadlines. Skill level is of much less importance, as long as you can cooperate well with us and learn if you need to. Honestly, I myself was pretty terrible at what I was trying to do when I started this project, so don't worry if you're not particularly good yet. Besides, filming hasn't even started yet, much less post-production, meaning there's plenty of time to improve skills and get used to everything we'll need to do.

As of yet, no one has any idea if this movie will earn enough money to cover the expenses, and payment can't be guaranteed. Even if this doesn't do too well and there's no actual profit, we still get credit. On the other hand, if it does pay for itself and then some, we'll be paid accordingly. It really could go either way.

So tell me what you think. If you have any questions at all or you'd like more info, just ask. Thanks!