Putting out a script request is going to attract lots of interest. However, as a director/producer you want to give some more information about what is realistic for you. How many actors and locations are you considering? What is your budget range? Are you set up to do special effects--green screen, live action animation, etc.? What is short for you--10 minutes, 40 minutes? And to be blunt, what's in it for the writer--money or just writing credit? Also, how about a bit about you--link to other pieces on youtube or vimeo that you've done. No offense but not everyone with a camera is a brilliant director that I'd want to handle my stories. Similarly, not every writer's script is a diamond in the rough.
You don't want to waste your time plowing through inappropriate submissions. Writers don't want to submit stories if they could be sending them to a production company with a better match of resources and interest. If you're interested in pushing yourself in the SFX area, that's great. You might have the resources for a trailer to raise additional funds. You just need to be aware of your resources and convey those to potential scriptwriters so they can send you appropriate shorts. I have shorts from 6 pages up to features of 120 pages. Some are very minimalist while others are FX intense. Some are G/PG-13 while others can move to heavy R in certain scenes. If this is for the festival circuit, you probably don't want a script with more than 20 pages. These are all things to bear in mind when you put out a request. I wish you the best as you move forward.