Looking for a HXR NX5U rental in MN

Looking for a HXR NX5U rental in MN

I am to provide a teaching demonstration of this camera at the end of the month, and would love to get my hands on one to practice. Know of anywhere in MN (prefferrably in West Central MN) I could rent one for a day? Will pay going rate. I am between Fargo and St. Cloud.


According to Genielux (iphone app or finding rental places), Massachusets has the nearest one. It can also find other rental houses in MN that may have one that isn't in their database.

Have you tried contacting Sony directly?
Camera search

Thanks for the leads...GenieLux is not available for my android phone yet. University of Minnesota has the HXR NX5U, and am trying to get in just to view it for a few moments, but is a three hour drive too! Least rental amount I've found so far is $316. Do you know the name of any big rental houses in MN or ND?
Found a camera

Hi...I am going to go the University and access their cameras...since it is the end of the semester, they were able to accommodate my request. Wish me luck- I could be teaching your children in the near future!